Correct way of self-contained shared queue in Spring

I have a producer-consumer model implemented in my application. On the one hand, the producer pushes objects for processing received from different sources, on the other hand, I have a consumer that will dequeue these events and process them.

Both producer and consumer are spring beans and are automatically discovered and both require a reference to this shared queue. I know I can define my beans in both xml file and Java config and pass this Queue parameter as constructor argument or via setter, but there is a way to import it automatically. The only idea, in my opinion, is to create a wrapper for this queue and then insert that wrapper:

public class QueueWrapper {
   private final BlockingQueue<MyObject> sharedQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();

   public void put(MyObject toPut) {

   public MyObject take() {
      return sharedQueue.take();

public class Producer {
    private QueueWrapper queue;

public class Consumer {
    private QueueWrapper queue;


Should I create this shell? I know the annotation @Resource

, but I've only used it with lists, maps and sets and don't actually know how to set up a Java config file. XML sample list from spring documentation page:

<util:list id="emails">


And then the Java class:

public class SomeClass {
   private List<String> emails;


Is there a way to create a queue as such a resource in java config? Or are there other ways to inject a shared queue into different beans?


source to share

2 answers

What Don Botstein suggested, you just have to use it like that.

public class QueueConfig {

    public BlockingQueue<MyObject> blockingQueue() {
        return new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();


Then, in the Producer and Consumer class, do something like this:

public class Producer {

    private QueueConfig queueConfig;

    public void produceMyObject(MyObject myObject) {




Basically, you must define an annotated class @Configuration

to register a bean of a given type. For example.

public class AppConfig {
    public BlockingQueue<MyObject> sharedQueue() {
        return new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();


The default bean name is method name ( sharedQueue

), or you can override the name in annotation ( @Bean(name="someName")

). The default scope is singleton, which can be changed using @Scope(...)

in method.


Classes are picked up during component scanning in the same way as @Component

annotated classes.

However, I see nothing wrong with using the wrapper class as you showed. Indeed, using a wrapper class will allow you to more easily add adaptations to your implementation in the future.



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