How do I save a list to a Peewee model?

I have created a model using peewee ORM that looks like this:

class Person(Model):
username = CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)
badges = ??? # No list field?

class Meta:
    database = db


This is the data that I will be storing:

people = [
{'username': 'user1', 'badges': ['badge 1','badge 2']},
{'username': 'user2', 'badges': ['badge 1', 'badge 2', 'badge 3']},
{'username': 'user3', 'badges': ['badge 1', 'badge 2', 'badge 3', 'badge 4']},


I wanted to keep my icons in a list of strings, but there is no list box. How else can I do something like this?


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1 answer

You also need to define the model of the icon and define the relationship between the icon and the person. I think what you are looking for is a many-to-many relationship. You can define it like this and you have to use your queries to join tables.

class Person(Model):
    username = CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)

class BadgeEarned(Model):
    awardee = ForeignKey(Person)
    badge = ForeignKey(Badge)

class Badge(Model):
    description = Charfield(max_length=255, unique=True)


An example of a query with this ratio

query = (Person


Edit: There is also a lot for many plugins if you want to avoid having to write connections.



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