Why is Resharper not detecting unused links in an empty MSVS 2015 console app?

If you try to create a blank console application in MSVS 2013 and remove the unused links, then only two of them remain: System and System.Core.

But if you are stubbing one issue in the new MSVS 2015 community (14.0.23107.0), then nothing but Microsoft.CSharp will be removed:

Removing unused links in MSVS 2015

I think this is pretty strange behavior. All these (actually unused) links used in some temp file are called .NETFramework, Version = v4.6.AssemblyAttributes.cs :

Found only one unused link

And it's fine if you remove unused references manually - project builds without problems.

The question is: what is the purpose of this temporary auto-generated file and why does it have so many dependencies? This is actually not the case, so I suppose it is a bug or something.


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2 answers

The ReSharper Team will research it https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/RSRP-446156



I had this problem too. I deleted this temp file and generally cleared my temp folder. Then everything worked as you expected.



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