OnChange textarea detection and clear input field

I am trying to clear an input field on a form when the user changes the content of the textarea using an onchange event handler. I can't see where my error is, why it doesn't work.

Here is my sample code: JSBin

function clear()
     document.getElementById('clearme').value= " " ;

<input type="text" id="clearme" value="123" readonly>
<textarea type="text" id="test2" onChange="clear()">some&#10;text&#10;here</textarea>

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1 answer

The problem is with the function name clear

. This function already exists in the browser, it is used to clear the console window (it probably should have been called console.clear()

, but this is a top-level function). So yours onchange

is calling this function.

Give your function a different name (I used clearfield()

) and it will work.

function clearfield()
     document.getElementById('clearme').value= " " ;

<input type="text" id="clearme" value="123" readonly>
<textarea type="text" id="test2" onChange="clearfield()">some&#10;text&#10;here</textarea>

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