How to create static class using DOJO in Javascript

I am trying to create a Utility class in JavaScript and using the Dojo framework. I can't find anything here on how to properly create a static class within the Dojo framework. I don't want to create a new Utility object every time. I would rather not use Singleton.

I currently have something like this ...


    "dojo/domReady!"], function (declare) {
        return declare(null, {
            //Pass in string format of element ID
            clearTextBox: function (elemID) {
                document.getElementById(elemID).value = "";


NOTE. I am using AMD not Legacy code


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1 answer

As stated in one of the comments, you don't need a "class" at all to do what you ask. This is JavaScript, not Java or C #, etc.

You just need to define a module that returns an object with useful functions.

define([], function () {
    return {
        clearTextBox: function (id) {
            document.getElementById(id).value = '';


This is a very common practice, even used by Dojo itself for service modules such as dojo/_base/array

, dojo/_base/lang

and dojo/date


It also doesn't create a new object every time, as each AMD module is loaded only once, and its factory function is only executed once.

Dojo is a toolbox, not a framework, and generally never forces you to do something in a particular way. Don't get carried away with the idea that every module you've ever created must be a "class" using declare

. Use declare

when you need to define a constructor or mixin with inheritance capabilities.



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