How can I mock a private static method with PowerMockito?

This is the same question as asked here. Unfortunately the accepted answer doesn't work for me. I have a static utility class with private methods that I need to test. I find that when I mock methods like this:

PowerMockito.when(StaticUtil.class, "getSomethingMethod", someObjectArray, someStringArray, aBoolean, someList).thenReturn(anotherList);


I am getting a null pointer exception because it is actually being thrown getSomethingMethod()

. When I debug I see that it is not called when I run the method I am trying to test, but it works when I set up the layout. Based on this site, it looks like this is what should happen when you create a layout in this format.

So, I am trying to set up the layout this way:

PowerMockito.doReturn(anotherList).when(StaticUtil.getSomethingMethod( someObjectArray, someStringArray, aBoolean, someList);


However, I get a message from Eclipse saying that I need to change my visibility getSomethingMethod()

to the public. Isn't one of the great benefits of using PowerMockito that you can mock private methods? I need to mock this method private static

(without actually calling the method during setup).


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2 answers

You must use the exact syntax they define in the answer you provided . This syntax doReturn(returnValue).when(Class, String, arguments);

. None of the examples provided here use this example.

Here are some extended explanations. I've demonstrated this:

Trying to run tests in this class:

package org.test.stackoverflow;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public class StaticUtil {
  public static void Wrapper() {
    getSomethingMethod(null, null, false, Collections.<String>emptyList());

  private static List<String> getSomethingMethod(Object[] obj,
      String[] str, boolean flag, List<String> aList){ 
    System.out.println("I happen!");
    return aList;


If the method itself is called, we will see I happen!

. If it doesn't, we won't.

Then I use this test class:

package org.test.stackoverflow;

import java.util.List;

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.*;
import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito;
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest;
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner;

public class StaticUtilTest {
  Object[] someObjectArray;
  String[] someStringArray;
  boolean aBoolean;
  List<String> someList;
  List<String> anotherList;

  public void testWhenClassStringMethod() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Beginning Test when(Class klass, String method name).doReturn(result)");
    PowerMockito.when(StaticUtil.class, "getSomethingMethod", someObjectArray, someStringArray, aBoolean, someList).thenReturn(anotherList);
    System.out.println("End Test when");

  public void testDoReturnActualMethod() throws Exception {
    // This doesn't compile as you've correctly stated
//    PowerMockito.doReturn(anotherList).when(StaticUtil.getSomethingMethod(someObjectArray, someStringArray, aBoolean, someList);

  public void testDoReturnClassStringMethod() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Beginning Test doReturn().when(Class klass, String method name");
    PowerMockito.doReturn(anotherList).when(StaticUtil.class, "getSomethingMethod", someObjectArray, someStringArray, aBoolean, someList);
    System.out.println("End Test doReturn");


So, if it prints I happen

, we were using the wrong syntax. When I run this program, we get:

Beginning Test when(Class klass, String method name).doReturn(result)
I happen!
End Test when
Beginning Test doReturn().when(Class klass, String method name)
End Test doReturn


Hence, you must use the syntax in the third test .

Note: This example uses static, empty arguments; obviously, you should configure your example to use Match Arguments as usual for your application.



when you set expectations on a mock object, you must use match arguments like Matchers.any () or Matchers.anyString (), but not actual arguments.

See my answer to J-Unit Test for details : Make static method void on class Exception

There is a potential problem with durron597's answer : the syntax in 'testDoReturnClassStringMethod' is not being mocked properly. In this method, it tried to mock the StaticUtil class, but didn't call the test method wrapper. See Example

public void testDoReturnClassStringMethod() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Beginning Test doReturn().when(Class klass, String method name");
    PowerMockito.doReturn(anotherList).when(StaticUtil.class, "getSomethingMethod", someObjectArray, someStringArray, aBoolean, someList);
    System.out.println("End Test doReturn");


The result for this is

Beginning Test doReturn().when(Class klass, String method name
I happen!
End Test doReturn


"Happen!" printed. mock is not configured correctly.

The correct way to taunt:

public void testDoReturnWithProperMock() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Beginning Test doReturn().when(Class klass, String method name");
    PowerMockito.doReturn(anotherList).when(StaticUtil.class, "getSomethingMethod", Matchers.anyObject(), Matchers.anyObject(), Matchers.anyBoolean(), Matchers.anyList());
    System.out.println("End Test doReturn");



What is the result for:

Beginning Test doReturn().when(Class klass, String method name
End Test doReturn




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