What does the double ellipsis operator mean in the context of the & str index?

I searched the Rust source code to get a better understanding of the language. I came across this snippet.

// Collect program arguments as a Vec<String>.
let cmd: Vec<_> = env::args().collect();

// Some unrelated code omitted here.

match subcommand::parse_name(&cmd[1][..]) {
    // It did some stuff here.


I didn't get it [..]

, so I went and checked the parse_name () declaration:

pub fn parse_name(name: &str) -> Option<Box<Subcommand>>


This is what I expected, but I still don't get it [..]

. What does this mean in this context? Isn't that just passing the first line to cmd

how &str

? If so, is it equivalent to writing cmd[1]

? Why would they do that?


source to share

2 answers

It is just a way of being forced from String

to &str

. In this case, [..]

it is not actually required, since Deref

coercion means that it is parse_name(&args[1])

also valid: &String

implicitly borrows &str


The indexing operator [ ]

calls std::ops::Index

, and the syntax ..

creates a std::ops::RangeFull

. cmd

is Vec<String>

because it std::env::args()

returns a Iterator

through String


Hence the syntax foo[..]

calls the implementation Index<RangeFull>

for String

(which you can see in the list of executors on the page Index

). The implementation looks like this:

impl ops::Index<ops::RangeFull> for String {
    type Output = str;

    fn index(&self, _index: ops::RangeFull) -> &str {
        unsafe { mem::transmute(&*self.vec) }



borrows the String

inner one Vec<u8>

before &[u8]

and then transmute

explicitly passes it to &str

, which is safe because the String

API makes sure the inner one Vec<u8>

is UTF-8, which is what is required str




Two periods ( ..

) is a range operator. There are four options:

If no element is in the ending position, the range continues "forever".

This is combined with Index

trait (or IndexMut

mutation if required). In your example you have a cut line (type, see next point.), To which you apply indexing: "foo"[2..]


In particular, it &str

implements Index


Returns a slice of the given string from a range of bytes

Then comes the third bit of ergonomics: Deref

(or DerefMut

similar cases). String

implements Deref

, by returning &str

, so whatever method is available for &str

is available for String




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