Aggregating jQuery object?

I am creating a plugin and the plugin needs to do something like a collection of a collection of jQuery objects. How to do it?

For example:




(function( $ )
    $.fn.myfunc = function( settings )



In the context of a plugin called with $ ('p'). myfunc (), how would I return all elements for example? The items I return will not necessarily be contained or close to the selected items as this is just an example.


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1 answer

jQuery also accepts an array, so you can create your own node stack and create a jQuery object from it.


(function( $ )
    $.fn.myfunc = function( settings )
        var stack = [];
        return $($.unique(stack));


Or simply:

return this.find('a'); // as return result of plugin


Also, take a look . pushStack () , which allows you to add elements to an already existing jQuery object.



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