Extract array of coordinates from string (C ++ OpenCV)

Using C ++ / OpenCV I have drawn a line in the image with cv::line

and now I am trying to extract an array of my coordinates. I tried to assign a string cv::Mat

, but I get an error: I cannot convert from void to cv::Mat

. Is there an easy way to get these coordinates?

Thanks for the help!


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2 answers

You have at least a few options. Assuming you know the two endpoints A

and B


1) Draw a line with line(...)

on a zero initialized mask of the same size as your image and extract the points on the line (which will be the only white points on the mask) with findNonZero(...)


2) Use LineIterator

to extract points without having to draw or create a mask.

You need to keep your points in vector<Point>


#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main(int, char** argv)
    Mat3b image(100,100); // Image will contain your original rgb image

    // Line endpoints:
    Point A(10,20);
    Point B(50,80);

    // Method: 1) Create a mask
    Mat1b mask(image.size(), uchar(0));
    line(mask, A, B, Scalar(255));

    vector<Point> points1;
    findNonZero(mask, points1);

    // Method: 2) Use LineIterator
    LineIterator lit(image, A, B);

    vector<Point> points2;
    for (int i = 0; i < lit.count; ++i, ++lit)

    // points1 and points2 contains the same points now!

    return 0;




You can see this answer. I suppose this is what you are after Searching for points in a string .

Opencv has a Line Iterator function . Go through the documentation!

Here's a usage example!

LineIterator it(img, pt1, pt2, 8);
for(int i = 0; i < it.count; i++, ++it)
    Point pt= it.pos(); 
   //Draw Some stuff using that Point pt




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