Digital signatures in MS Word

Do you know a way (fe library) in which I can create signature lines in a Microsoft Word document in Java as described for example on the Microsoft page and then use it to sign the document multiple times? Each signature can be added at a different point in time.

The most important functionality I need is that the subscriber's name is added when the document is signed. In MS Word, at the beginning you can define several "signature lines" and then each person has to right-click on one signature box and press "Sign". The name of the signatory shall be completed without violating the previous signatures.

I know how to sign documents in java (usually xades external signatures). I could also add multiple signatures at the same time using Apache POI, as described here: How to programmatically sign an MS Office XML document from Java? but it won't work when the document changes (to update the signer's name). Perhaps this functionality is also available in Apache POI?

On the attached print screen you can see (unfortunately in Polish, PODPIS / PODPISY == SIGNATURE / SIGNATURE) what can be generated in Microsoft Word. The "X" next to the subscriber names are updated when the document is signed by each person. enter image description here

Thanks for any help.


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