Cordova build error: More than one library with package name '

I am developing android app using cordova, I need google plus login and admob in my app,

So, I add the following plugins

1) admobpro

2) cordova-plugin-googleplus

Do I need to add a Google Play plugin to use the above plugin?

After I added the google play service plugin and build the app using the CLI cordova

I got the following error:

> FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
> * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':processDebugResources'.
> > Error: more than one library with package name '' You can temporarily disable this error with
> android.enforceUniquePackageName=fal se However, this is temporary and
> will be enforced in 1.0
> * Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


kindly help me,


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1 answer

I think the problem with the added Google Play Play plugin is added, the google play service is also loaded as a dependent plugin with the googleplus login plugin, so there was a conflict between these two Google Play service plugins. I removed all plugins and added google plus login first and then added admobpro, now I can successfully build my application without any exceptions.



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