Inverse image of a button - what is called in Swift?

I am trying to use a back button image. I asked this question before and got the technically correct answer, which it inherits from the previous view, but if I paste this code, you can control the back button in the current view.

// Takeover Back Button
self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = false
let newBackButton = UIBarButtonItem(title: "<", style: .Plain, target: self, action: "segueBack")
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = newBackButton


This gives me A <, "ABC", gives me ABC, etc., but how do I get Swift to expose its inner Back Button image. The code below doesn't work, but I would think it is correct.

let backImg: UIImage = UIImage(named: "BACK_BUTTON_DEFAULT_ICON")!
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem!.setBackgroundImage(backImg, forState: .Normal, barMetrics: .Default)


Has anyone figured out how to do this?

swift back-button uinavigationbar

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3 answers

Try adding a custom view as a back button like

var backButton = UIButton(frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, 70.0, 70.0))
var backImage = UIImage(named: "backBtn")
backButton.setImage(backImage, forState: UIControlState.Normal)
backButton.titleEdgeInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(10.0, 10.0, 10.0, 0.0)
backButton.setTitle("Back", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
backButton.addTarget(self, action: "buttonPressed", forControlEvents: UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)
var backBarButton = UIBarButtonItem(customView: backButton)

var spacer = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: UIBarButtonSystemItem.FixedSpace, target: nil, action: nil)
spacer.width = -15

self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItems = [spacer,backBarButton]


enter image description here

It will look the same as iOS back button


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I have been struggling with this issue for a while. Finally, I got a reverse image with the following code:

let backImage = navigationController?.navigationBar.subviews[2].subviews[0].subviews[0].subviews[0] as! UIImageView).image


Make sure the Back button is displayed before running the code above. Then you can save backImage


Here is the backImage I got.


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If you want to get the default back button image, the arrow is a class of type _UINavigationBarBackIndicatorView.

Here comes the hack,

        UIImage *imgViewBack ;

        for (UIView *view in self.navigationController.navigationBar.subviews) {
            // The arrow is a class of type _UINavigationBarBackIndicatorView. This is not any of the private methods, so I think
            // this is fine for the AppStore...
            if ([NSStringFromClass([view class]) isEqualToString:@"_UINavigationBarBackIndicatorView"]) {
                // Set the image from the Default BackBtn Imageview
                UIImageView *imgView = (UIImageView *) view;
                    imgViewBack = imgView.image ;



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