How do I prevent the spine remove () from removing "el" in the view?

I want to delete a view before creating a new one. But my requirement is view.remove()

to remove the view, but not remove the item el

. Having said that, I don't want to install tagName

as it creates a new item which is not needed. Is there a way to remove the view from memory by freeing the content el



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2 answers

You can override the Backbone view method remove

in your abstract view:

remove: function() {
  // this._removeElement();
  return this;


Default source code:



I've solved this before with a disposable booster.

make sure your html contains an anchor (class or id) for your one-time view: <div class="content-container"></div>

then create LauncherView:

var LauncherView = Backbone.View.extend({
    initialize: function(options) {

    render: function() {
        return this;

    // inner views will be bound to ".launcher-container" via
    // their .el property passed into the options hash.
    template: _.template('<div class="launcher-container"></div>')


then instantiate the one-time run view:

app.currentLauncherView = new LauncherView({});

and add it to your DOM anchor: $('.content-container').append(app.currentLauncherView.el);

then you can create a view that will attach to the one-time launch view: app.throwAway1 = new DisposableView({el: '.launcher-container'});

And then when you want to destroy that view, you can do it with;


Then you can create a new view by creating a new LauncherView, binding it to the DOM, and creating the next view, binding it to ".launcher-container".

app.currentLauncherView = new LauncherView({});
app.throwAway2 = new DisposableView({el: '.launcher-container'});




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