How to display total number of records using smart table in AngularJS

I am using a smart table to display records. Using custom pagination to display 20 records per page.

I want to show pagination as: 1 - 20 of 25 records How can I do this? - I tried using (number of pages * total pages) but that will round the result.


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4 answers

You can use totalItemCount

which is present inside tableState.pagination

. Just fill in this value after receiving data from the server and use this value in your page template.



I found this solution for my problem. I know this is an old problem, but to make it more useful to others, I wanted to show you how to make this solution even better.

The answer you gave is correct on the first page and subsequent pages, but not always on the last.

You do it like this:

<span class="pagination-info itemCount">
     of {{numPages*stItemsByPage}} Records


If the number of records on the last page is less than stItemsByPage, this will never be correct. In this case, it would be better:

<span class="pagination-info itemCount">
     {{(currentPage*stItemsByPage) > totalItemCount?totalItemCount:(currentPage*stItemsByPage)}} 
     of {{numPages*stItemsByPage}} Records




First of all, you must create a directive

ticketsApp.directive('stSummary', function () {

    return {
    restrict: 'E',
    require: '^stTable',
    template:'<span><b>[[pagination.start ]]  of [[pagination.totalItemCount]] items</b></span>',
    scope: {},
    link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
      var listener = function (val) {
        scope.pagination = ctrl.tableState().pagination; = Math.min(scope.pagination.start + scope.pagination.number, || 0);
      scope.$watch(ctrl.tableState(), listener, true);


After that, you must use the "stSummary" tag in your view. Example:

<st-summary st-items-by-page="10" 
            class="pagination-info itemCountnumber">




Inspired by Dhiraj Tiwari's answer, the clock will not work unless it is wrapped in a function call:

  .directive('stPaginationSummary', function () {
    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      require: '^stTable',
      template: '<span>Showing <strong>{{from}}</strong>-<strong>{{to}}</strong> of <strong>{{total}}</strong> Record(s)</span>',
      scope: {},
      link: function (scope, element, attr, ctrl) {
        var listener = function () {
          var pagination = ctrl.tableState().pagination
          scope.from = pagination.totalItemCount === 0 ? 0 : pagination.start + 1
 = Math.min(pagination.start + pagination.number, pagination.totalItemCount)
 = pagination.totalItemCount
        scope.$watch(function () {
          return ctrl.tableState()
        }, listener, true)




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