Add hyperlink to excel sheet created by pandas dataframe to_excel method

I converted pandas DataFrame to Excel sheet using df.to_excel


Now I want to add hyperlinks to values ​​in one column. In other words, when a customer sees my Excel sheet, they will be able to click in a cell and open a web page (depending on the value in that cell).


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4 answers

You can use the function HYPERLINK

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'link':['=HYPERLINK("", "some website")']})




From @maxymoo answer, here is a complete example

import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'Year': [2000, 2001, 2002 , 2003]})
df['link'] = '-'
df.set_value(0, 'link', '=HYPERLINK("", 2000)')
df.set_value(1, 'link', '=HYPERLINK("", 2001)')
df.set_value(2, 'link', '=HYPERLINK("", 2002)')
df.set_value(3, 'link', '=HYPERLINK("", 2003)')
df.to_excel('test.xlsx', index = False)




You can use:

df = pd.DataFrame(list(range(5)), columns=['a'])

df['a'] = df['a'].apply(lambda x: '<a href="{0}">link</a>'.format(x))





Based on @ guillaume-jacquenot's approach, we can use apply

to apply it to a whole series.

df = pd.DataFrame({'Year': [2000, 2001, 2002 , 2003]})


For the sake of cleanliness, I wrote a helper method.

def make_hyperlink(value):
    url = "https://custom.url/{}"
    return '=HYPERLINK("%s", "%s")' % (url.format(value), value)


Then apply

this to the series:

df['hyperlink'] = df['Year'].apply(lambda x: make_hyperlink(x))


<P β†’
    Year    hyperlink
0   2000    =HYPERLINK("https://custom.url/2000", "2000")
1   2001    =HYPERLINK("https://custom.url/2001", "2001")
2   2002    =HYPERLINK("https://custom.url/2002", "2002")
3   2003    =HYPERLINK("https://custom.url/2003", "2003")




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