AVAudioSession error

I am getting the following error and have no idea what is causing it.

Aug 4 15:04:56 MyiPad myApp [1523]: 15: 04: 56.072 ERROR: [0x78ba000] AVAudioSessionUtilities.h: 124: GetProperty_DefaultToZero: AudioSessionGetProperty ('cilt') failed with error: '! siz '

In my application, I:

  • Using AVAudioPlayers to Play Sounds
  • Manipulating AVAudioSessionCategory and AVAudioSessionMode (change between SoloAmbient / Default and PlayAndRecord / VideoChat with options: AllowBluetooth | DefaultToSpeaker)
  • Using AddLive to make webRTC video calls
  • Using the private API here to control AirPlay selection

Obviously there is a lot going on, so I don't expect anyone to serve this to me on a platter, but anything you can tell me about the error would be very helpful

Update 1: "cilt" stands for kAudioSessionProperty_CurrentHardwareInputLatency

Update 2: "! Siz" means property data size was wrong (deprecated in iOS 7)


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2 answers

I have followed every relevant thread I could google and almost all of them lead to something about the option AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers

. I used it with other options that I used in the PlayAndRecord category and it worked ... go figure.

If anyone has an understanding of this mystery, please answer or comment, but for now try this option and see what happens. I'll update when I find out more.



I am new to this. What I was observing (due to an unrelated issue) is that when the second listener appears, I got this error message. Perhaps you are calling more than one thread that is listening to an audio stream? Offering this as a (hopefully useful) data item for your consideration.



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