Is it possible to control the volume of AVMIDIPlayer

I would like to use AVMIDIPlayer to play a multi-channel MIDI file in a game as background music, but I want the background music to fade out when the game is over. Unfortunately AVMIDIPlayer doesn't have a volume setting like AVAudioPlayer does. Is there a way to control AVMIDIPlayer volume? (Changing the global volume is actually not acceptable)

The only other solution I see is figuring out how to identify the tracks in the MIDI file, create a multi-tool AUGraph, and tickle the mixer at the end. I haven't been able to dig up any CoreMIDI examples with multiple tools and it looks pretty complicated.


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1 answer

Use MusicSequence to play back with AUGraph low-level audio, then sequence with MusicPlayer. In AUGraph, you can control the mixer node.

This becomes a harrowing detail.



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