I18n translation from CakePHP 3


I want to translate my application into French and English. I followed exactly the CakePHP 3 documentation , but it doesn't work.

What have I done so far

For my development, I use a vagrant box to easily get up and work with CakePHP 3. This box is called vagrant-chef


I changed line 100 to use French as my default language.

ini_set('intl.default_locale', 'fr_CA');


/ Src / controller / PagesController

I added this method to the standard PagesController

public function initialize() {



I added these 2 lines

    <?php echo __('Hey, bonjour'); ?>
    <?php echo __('Je teste la traduction'); ?>



.pot files

From the terminal, I enter this command bin/cake i18n extract

. CakePHP has created 2 files in /src/Locale/

. These files cake.pot

and default.pot

. I translated the default.pot file as follows:

msgid "Hey, bonjour"
msgstr "Hey, hello"


Locales directory structure

The file now /src/Locale

looks like this:



Despite my attempts to translate my application, I didn't get anything. I assumed it was a cache issue, so I deleted the files in /tmp/cache/persistent/




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1 answer


generated cake i18n extract

is a template file. For each language file there should be a .po

. So in your example it should be src/Locale/en/default.po




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