Calling VoiceCommandDefinitionManager stops thread execution

I'm completely at a loss. When I call either:

var a = VoiceCommandDefinitionManager.InstalledCommandDefinitions;



await Windows.ApplicationModel.VoiceCommands.VoiceCommandDefinitionManager
    .InstallCommandDefinitionsFromStorageFileAsync( storageFile );


Thread execution ends within any call.

For example, in the following method, nothing happens after calling InstallCommandDefinitionsFromStorageFilesAsync. No exception, no record lines, no call made after calling this method.

private async void RegisterVoiceCommands()
    var storageFile =
        await Windows.Storage.StorageFile.GetFileFromApplicationUriAsync( new Uri( "ms-appx:///VoiceCommandDefinition.xml" ) );
        await Windows.ApplicationModel.VoiceCommands.VoiceCommandDefinitionManager.InstallCommandDefinitionsFromStorageFileAsync( storageFile );

        Debug.WriteLine( "Voice Commands Registered" );
    catch ( Exception ex )
        Debug.WriteLine( ex );


Does anyone have any ideas? This was used for technical inspection.

ENVIRONMENT: Win 10 Enterprise VS2015 Enterprise


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1 answer

It so happens that in my case this is a problem with the car. The project works correctly in all the other boxes I've tried it in. Bad setup I think.



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