I want to align my checkboxes as a grid
I want my checkboxes to look cleaner and take up less space by aligning it like a grid. But I seem to have a problem with my images and also I have spacing issues.
<img src="images/fb.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" id="engine" value="google">
<img src="images/twit.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" id="engine" value="yahoo">
<img src="images/googplus.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
<img src="images/link.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
<img src="images/pin.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
<img src="images/del.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
<img src="images/stumb.png" height="40px" width="55px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
<img src="images/diig.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
this code is just 1 column table, i would like to split it by three and align vertically, they won't like the css so please help me
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You can apply the width to your cell and do something like the following (not 100% of what you are trying to achieve, so please let me know if you need to change) ...
<td width="15%">
but if you just want 3 columns where all the alignments will do something like ...
<img src="images/fb.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" id="engine" value="google">
Your third column content
<img src="images/twit.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" id="engine" value="yahoo">
Your third column content
<img src="images/googplus.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
Your third column content
<img src="images/link.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
Your third column content
<img src="images/pin.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
Your third column content
<img src="images/del.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
Your third column content
<img src="images/stumb.png" height="40px" width="55px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
Your third column content
<img src="images/diig.png" height="40px" width="40px">
<input type="checkbox" name="engine" value="bing">
Your third column content
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The best way forward (although it will take a while to get into this) is to use a flexible framework like zurb foundation that has one that changes its state depending on the screen size. It would be ideal for viewing this on a mobile phone.
No disrespect, but as you seem to be starting with html and css I would understand that this would speed up the process for you.
You would use something like ...
<ul class="small-block-grid-2 medium-block-grid-3 large-block-grid-3">
<li><!-- Your content goes here --></li>
<li><!-- Your content goes here --></li>
<li><!-- Your content goes here --></li>
<li><!-- Your content goes here --></li>
<li><!-- Your content goes here --></li>
<li><!-- Your content goes here --></li>
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