How to dynamically change template in aurelia / click to change table row?
2 answers
Here's how you can accomplish it with the bind command if
export class App {
editing = null;
planets = [
{ name: 'Mercury', diameter: 3032, distance: 35983610 },
{ name: 'Venus', diameter: 7521, distance: 67232360 },
{ name: 'Earth', diameter: 7926, distance: 92957100 },
{ name: 'Mars', diameter: 4222, distance: 141635300 },
{ name: 'Jupiter', diameter: 88846, distance: 483632000 },
{ name: 'Saturn', diameter: 74898, distance: 888188000 },
{ name: 'Uranus', diameter: 31763, distance: 1783950000 },
{ name: 'Neptune', diameter: 30778, distance: 2798842000 }];
edit(planet) {
this.editing = planet;
<td>Diameter (mi)</td>
<td>Distance to Sun (mi)</td>
<tr repeat.for="planet of planets" click.delegate="edit(planet)">
<!-- read-only mode -->
<td if.bind="editing !== planet">${}</td>
<td if.bind="editing !== planet">${planet.diameter}</td>
<td if.bind="editing !== planet">${planet.distance}</td>
<!-- edit-mode -->
<td if.bind="editing === planet"><input value.bind="" type="text"></td>
<td if.bind="editing === planet"><input value.bind="planet.diameter" type="number"></td>
<td if.bind="editing === planet"><input value.bind="planet.distance" type="number"></td>
thead {
font-weight: bold;
tbody > tr > td {
cursor: pointer;
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you can use a view strategy to dynamically select a view for a view model. - scroll down to the view strategy part
What if you want to define a view dynamically based on data? or fulfillment conditions? You can also do this by implementing the getViewStrategy () method in your view model. It can return a relative path to the view or ViewStrategy instance for custom view loading behavior. The nice part is that this method is executed after the callback is activated, so when you define the view, you access the model data.
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