Create RAM in FPGA using VHDL

I was trying to implement dual port RAM, guided by this excellent blog post . However, ModelSim gives the following warning on compilation:

** Warning: fifo_ram.vhdl(24): (vcom-1236) Shared variables must be of a protected type.


I also cannot create this as a wave, indicating to me that the variable is not recognized using my code below.

How can I correctly declare this variable as a "protected" type? Also, as a more general question about shared variables - is this variable shared between all objects in the design?

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity fifo_ram is 
    generic (data : natural := 8;
             addr : natural := 16);

    port (w_clk : in std_logic;
          w_en : in std_logic;
          w_addr : in std_logic_vector (addr-1 downto 0);
          w_data : in std_logic_vector (data-1 downto 0);
          r_clk : in std_logic;
          r_rdy : in std_logic;
          r_addr : in std_logic_vector (addr-1 downto 0);
          r_data : out std_logic_vector (data-1 downto 0));
end fifo_ram;

architecture rtl of fifo_ram is 
    -- shared memory
    type mem_type is array ( (2**addr) - 1 downto 0 ) of std_logic_vector(data-1 downto 0);
    shared variable mem : mem_type;

    write: process (w_clk)
        if (rising_edge(w_clk)) then 
            if (w_en = '1') then
                mem(conv_integer(w_addr)) := w_data;
            end if;
        end if;
    end process write;

end architecture;


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity tb_fifo is 
    generic (data : natural := 8;
             addr : natural := 16);
end entity;

architecture testbed of tb_fifo is

    signal tb_w_clk, tb_w_en : std_logic := '0';
    signal tb_w_addr : std_logic_vector (addr-1 downto 0);
    signal tb_w_data : std_logic_vector (data-1 downto 0);
    signal tb_r_clk, tb_r_rdy : std_logic := '0';
    signal tb_r_addr : std_logic_vector (addr-1 downto 0);
    signal tb_r_data : std_logic_vector (data-1 downto 0);
    dut : entity work.fifo_ram(rtl)
        port map(tb_w_clk, tb_w_en, tb_w_addr, tb_w_data,
                 tb_r_clk, tb_r_rdy, tb_r_addr, tb_r_data);

    wclock : process is
        tb_w_clk <= '1';
        wait for 10 ns;
        tb_w_clk <= '0';
        wait for 10 ns;
    end process wclock;

    wdata : process is
        tb_w_addr <= x"FFFF";
        tb_w_data <= x"AA";
        wait for 100 ns;
        tb_w_en <= '1';
        wait for 70 ns;
        tb_w_en <= '0';
    end process wdata;

end architecture;



source to share

2 answers

OK, after going through the blog post, I now understand why they are using a shared variable instead of signals. This is because multiple processes are assigned to this variable, which is not possible with reg in Verilog or in VHDL signal. In this case, the synthesizer will generate an error reporting multiple mem drivers. But in order to use a shared variable in this case, you have to declare it protected. What you need to do is declare a protected datatype and then encapsulate your mem variable inside it, similar to classes in object oriented languages. Here is an example of a protected data type:

type mem_envelope is protected        -- protected type declaration

variable mem : mem_type;

function GetVal( addr : integer ) return std_logic_vector(data - 1 downto 0);
function SetVal( addr : integer; val : std_logic_vector(data - 1 downto 0) ) return boolean; --may be used to indicate whether write was successfull or not

end protected mem_envelope;


Then declare a variable sharede of type mem_envelope and use the GetVal and SetVal functions to read / write the values ​​in memory inside your processes.



Another way to implement True-Dual-Port (TDP) RAM is to use one process with two clocks.

signal ram          : ram_t;
signal a1_reg       : unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0);
signal a2_reg       : unsigned(A_BITS-1 downto 0);


process (clk1, clk2)
begin   -- process
  if rising_edge(clk1) then
    if ce1 = '1' then
      if we1 = '1' then
        ram(to_integer(a1)) <= d1;
      end if;

      a1_reg <= a1;
    end if;
  end if;

  if rising_edge(clk2) then
    if ce2 = '1' then
      if we2 = '1' then
        ram(to_integer(a2)) <= d2;
      end if;

      a2_reg <= a2;
    end if;
  end if;
end process;

q1 <= ram(to_integer(a1_reg));      -- returns new data
q2 <= ram(to_integer(a2_reg));      -- returns new data


It's even synthesized with Xilinx instruments. Altera tools need the altsyncram macro to properly recognize TDP-RAM.

Source: PoC.mem.ocram.tdp



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