Executing SQL queries in controller action

I have 5 separate SQL queries that I execute in order in a controller action. This is the method I use to accomplish them:

var entity = new TestEntities();

entity.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("//SQL Query");


So basically I have five ExecuteSqlCommand

on a line with different requests to be executed in order and the code should continue to execute underneath them. Is there a better way to execute requests from within a controller action? I'm not sure what the best way to handle errors is with this current method.



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1 answer

First, let's look at creating an abstraction layer between your controller and your database. An example of this is a repository to help you with testing. You can create mock repositories that you can use in your unit tests rather than testing your actual database.

You mentioned that you have 5 different database commands to run. Take a look at the Unit of Work , which you can use to keep track of what you have changed and apply all those changes to the database.

Microsoft's asp.net website has a good article about Repository and Unit of Work Implementation .

Using the repository and unit of work



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