A way to view crash logs for an iOS app outside of an Xcode debug session?

I have an application where the user needs to login before using it.

to improve the user experience, the user only needs to log in for the first time, and at other times the app will not show the login screen, but it will show the app [I use the default user to store my id] now I have achieved this, but I ran into an error and the app crashes when I open it after a successful login.

The problem is this: to simulate a scenario where I open the application without having to log in, I had to stop the application [which means there will be no debugging session] and then reopen the application.

What I am asking is: is there a way to find out what is causing the error, knowing that I am not running the application in a debug session?

Thank you in advance


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4 answers

Can you run the application on the device? If so, you can get the crash data you want from the Devices window from Xcode.

Xcode -> Window -> Devices.

Select a device, then select View Device Logs.

Here's Apple's page on the topic .

To run in the simulator, you can get the crash data you want from the Console (I just tried this and saw at least one crash log from my current development).

Here is Apple's page on Testing with the Simulator . Select View Crash Logs from the menu on the left. Excerpt from this page ...

To view the crash log

  • Open the console by going to Application / Utilities / Console in Finder.
  • Find the line in the console that reads "Stored Crash Report for."
  • Expand this element using the arrow on the left.
  • Click "Open Report".


Maybe you can check: https://try.crashlytics.com/

This part of the Tweeter Fabric is now pretty easy to use and provides good information



enter image description here Use the Hockey app for information on crash logs:

Here is the link to set up the hockey app on iOS:





check out the plcrashreporter: https://code.google.com/p/plcrashreporter/downloads/list http://plcrashreporter.googlecode.com/svn/tags/plcrashreporter-1.1-beta1/Documentation/API/functions.html

it is very easy to use and if your application crashes a crash report will be recorded. The next time the application is launched, you can check for a pending crash report and send the report to your own HTTP server, send an email, or even view the report locally.



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