Java code signing certificate error
I am creating a certificate signing request like this:
keytool -genkey -alias server -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore xxxx -dname ",OU=Infrastructure and Operations, O=ACME, Inc., L=Test, ST=Test, C=US" && keytool -certreq -alias server -file xxxx.csr -keystore xxxx.jks
When the code signing certificate is generated, for some reason the CN is assigned to the organization value instead of the FQDN that I originally originally specified
Thus, the certificate has CN=ACME, Inc.
,OU=Infrastructure and Operations, O=ACME, Inc., L=Test, ST=Test, C=US
Not sure why he didn't get the FQDN.
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Oracle docs say:
If the distinguished name string value contains a comma, the comma must be character-escaped
when you specify the string on the command line, as in
cn=peter schuster, o=Sun Microsystems\, Inc., o=sun, c=us
So the valid dname is:
",OU=Infrastructure and Operations, O=ACME\, Inc., L=Test, ST=Test, C=US"
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