The variable is not loaded the first time I try to use it. And only available the second time

I have angular.js / ionic framework app. This loads the recipes in the list and allows the user to save any recipe they want. The problem is that the first time someone clicks on save, nothing happens, but the second time, the recipe is actually saved. This is because the variable is not loaded on the first click, and it is only loaded after the first click. How can I fix my code to save it the first time I click the Save button?

This is what my html looks like:

<ion-content has-header="true" padding="true" overflow-scroll="true">
    <input type="text" ng-model="searchString" placeholder="Search using recipe title ..." />
    <ion-list can-swipe="true">
        <ion-item class="item item-thumbnail-left" ng-repeat="recipeItem in remoteRecipeList| searchFor:searchString" type="item-text-wrap"
            <img ng-src="{{recipeItem.get('picture').url()}}">
            <div class="">{{recipeItem.get('description')}}</div>
            <ion-option-button class="button-balanced" ng-click="doSaveRow(">


And this is what my controller looks like (javascript):

.controller('BrowseCtrl', function (user, $state, $scope, RecipeService, $cordovaCamera, $ionicPopup, $timeout, ParseRecipeService, ParseConfiguration, UserService, $cordovaSQLite) {

    $scope.count = 0;

    // if not using parse then assign the image service to the default
    // service
    if (ParseConfiguration.USING_PARSE === false) {
        ParseRecipeService = RecipeService;
        console.log("ParseConfiguration: " + ParseConfiguration.USING_PARSE);

    ParseRecipeService.all().then(function (_data) {

        $timeout($scope.remoteRecipeList = _data, 0);

    }, function (_error) {

    // Save the selected recipe to SQL database
    $scope.doSaveRow = function (_index) {


        ParseRecipeService.get(_index).then(function (_data) {
            $timeout($scope.recipeItem = _data, 0);
        }, function (_error) {

        var query = "INSERT INTO recipetable (id, instructions, title, description, num_serves, recipe_type, time_in_minutes, picture, ingredients) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)";

        $cordovaSQLite.execute(db, query, [null,  $scope.recipeItem.get('instructions'), $scope.recipeItem.get('title'), $scope.recipeItem.get('description'), $scope.recipeItem.get('num_serves'), $scope.recipeItem.get('recipe_type'), $scope.recipeItem.get('time_in_minutes'), $scope.recipeItem.get('picture').url(), $scope.recipeItem.get('ingredients')]).then(function(res) {
            alert("The recipe has been saved to your device");
        }, function (err) {

        $scope.searchTitles = true;
          $scope.searchDescriptions = true;

          $scope.$watch('searchTitles', function(){
            $scope.searchKeys = [ $scope.searchTitles ? 'title' : null, $scope.searchDescriptions ? 'description' : null ];
          $scope.$watch('searchTitles', function(){
            $scope.searchKeys = [ $scope.searchTitles ? 'title' : null, $scope.searchDescriptions ? 'description' : null ];




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