Can't export imported products to Magento backend
I tried to export products + categories from X magento to Y magento using
FYI, the exported files are correct, even XML or CSV type.
But I ran into an error while importing. it says i found 84 rows but only imported 1 record, when i check Product Management, none of the products are imported. I tried CSV and XML files, the result is the same.
The magento variant of both is the same, any debugging possibilities?
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In your import process, 84 entries means there are 84 lines of not 84 products in your csv file !
I think you only use one sku for all your products and why you only have one imported product. It's good to know what magento uses to sku
both ID
identify products, so you need to assign a unique sku for each individual product.
To insert new products using CSV Import, check these columns in the csv file.
Required product attributes for new products (they are written as they should appear in the column of the CSV file):
- s
Inventory retention is a unique value for identifying a product. Neither item can share the same SKU in Pixafy.
- _attribute_set
If you have already configured a set of attributes, set this parameter to "Default"
- _type
What type of product? Your options are simple, custom, virtual, and downloadable. Grouped or linked products cannot be imported at this time and must be created in the control panel.
- name
Product name - for example, "Magic Wand". It must be no more than 60 characters
- Description
Long description with detailed product information.
A shorter description that appears to the right of the product image on the product page
- price
The amount you charge your customers for this product before sales or discounts.
- status
Is the product enabled or disabled? Enabled: 1, Disabled, 2
- visibility
How can a customer view this item?
Visible in Directory and Search = 4
Visible in Directory = 2
Visible in Search = 3
Not visible separately = 1
- tax_class_id
The tax class identifier configured in Customize> Sales tax> Product tax classes. Default tax items 2
- weight
Enter a numerical value for the weight of this product. This will be used by any estimated shipping methods.
- _product_websites
At this time your only option is base
Update 2:
To learn how to add product images to a csv file, read this post:
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