Android-v4-library support with appcompat-v7

In my gradle build file, I have two dependencies (appcompat-v7 and design) and then any externar jar files I add to the project

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    compile ''
    compile ''


Is it ok to find in the project libraries (Project Structure -> Libraries) external jar files, appcompat-v7, design-22.2.1, support-v4 and support-22.2.1 annotations, I don't understand why the last two are added, I think that they are the cause of another question I have (dexDebug).

Does anyone know if this is normal? Thanks to


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1 answer

The launch ./gradlew -q app:dependencies

shows which

depends on

, so it gets pulled in. You will need to find a separate solution for your dex debugging problem.



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