Includes still result in second database query when using constrained column relationship

I'm trying to use includes

in a query to limit the number of subsequent database calls that are fired on rendering, but I also want the included calls to select a subset of columns from related tables. Specifically, I want to get a set of posts, their comments and just the name of the user who wrote each comment.

So I added

belongs_to :user

belongs_to :user_for_display, :select => ",", :class_name => "User", :foreign_key => "user_id"


to my comment model.

From the console when I do

p = Post.where(:id => 1).includes(comments: [:user_for_display])


I can see that the correct requests are firing:

SELECT posts.* FROM posts WHERE = 1
SELECT comments.* FROM comments comments.attachable_type = "Post" AND comments.attachable_id IN (1)
SELECT, FROM users WHERE IN (1,2,3)


but call


still results in a call to a full database load:

User Load (0.5ms)  SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 11805 LIMIT 1
=> "John"


The link only p.first.comments

does not trigger a second request for comments. And if I include the full relation :user

instead :user_for_display

, the call to get the username does not trigger a second user request (but I would rather not load the full user record).

Can SELECT be used to limit fields in include?


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1 answer

You need to request user_for_display

instead user





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