Cordova background image css missing from Polymer on ios / safari
I am using CSS to set a background image for a Polymer element. This works on the web, but not inside the Cordova web app. I want to fix this.
I can hack Polymer, but I am new to Cordova and I need help tracking down the url code in Cordova.
The polymer parses the css internally and handles the css urls. On ios, the following statements are:
background-image: url('../img/health_background.png'); }
<img src="../img/health_background.png">
will be replaced with:
background-image: url(file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/FE5C8C06-E9B3-4F75-B9E7-40D6FD54FC0B/
<img src="file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/FE5C8C06-E9B3-4F75-B9E7-40D6FD54FC0B/">
Polymer HTMLImports polyfill.
If you look at these elements inside the Safari debugger, the tag <img>
looks great, but the background-image:
css doesn't exist. I guess Safari didn't like its syntax and threw it away.
If I add the same properties background-image
to the Safari debugger it works.
Any suggestions on: - why is Safari ignoring the original background-image
? - Are all URLs in Cordova applications absolute file addresses?
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