Mongoose: subdocument CastError: cast to array

I have two schemas: One schema (parent):

var slide = require('../model/slide');

var slidesetSchema = new Schema({
    name: String,
    dataID: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
    slides: [slide]


and the child schema:

var slideSchema = new Schema();
// use this method for a recursive definiton
// src!topic/mongoose-orm/0yUVXNyprx8
    no: Number,
    depth: Number,
    audio: [{
        name: String,
        dataID: Schema.Types.ObjectId
    //subslides: [slideSchema] <- this will be the next step if the other problem is solved
    // it will be used to create a tree like structure


I have the following situation, a user uploads a pdf file and then my nodejs node creates a new entry (slideshow) for the file, and for each page, it has to create a slide and store it in the slideshow. Finally, all this needs to be saved in db:

var set = new slideset();
var slides = [];

for (var i = 1; i <= pagecount; i++) {
    var s = new slide({no: i, depth: 1, audio: []});
    // set.slides.push(s); <-- throws "can't call push of undefined",
    // well here they just do the same thing.. why doesn't it work for me?!
set.slides = slides;
// some other stuff, like writestream to save the file into db, set and dataID
writestream.on('close', function (file) {
     // save schema (err) {


the "save" function throws the following error:

ValidationError: CastError: Cast to Array failed for value "{...},{...},..." at path "slides"


I tried various possible solutions I found here on stackoverflow but none of them worked. Hope you can help me :-)


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1 answer

You tried:

var Audio = new Schema({
       name: String,
       dataID: Schema.Types.ObjectId    


and then

    no: Number,
    depth: Number,
    audio: [Audio]





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