Speed โโup dir_creation () on a restricted remote server
I have a problem creating directories in a shared folder on a remote machine with boost create_directories (). I only have access to this part. But I am creating a connection with user credentials with full read and write access.
The connection is allowed using WNetAddConnection2. The application should then create the directories "\ 139.22.XXX.XXX \ temp \ Test \ 1" and the connection will be disconnected using WNetCancelConnection2.
The code is shown below:
using namespace boost::filesystem;
typedef boost::filesystem::path Path;
typedef boost::filesystem::basic_filesystem_error<boost::filesystem::path> boost_filesystem_error;
DWORD loginDicomImporter()
DWORD dwRetVal;
DWORD dwFlags;
LPTSTR remoteName = _T("\\\\139.22.XXX.XXX\\temp");
nr.lpLocalName = NULL;
nr.lpRemoteName = remoteName;
nr.lpProvider = NULL;
dwRetVal = WNetAddConnection2(&nr, _T("xxxPWDxxx"), _T("xxxUSERxxx"), dwFlags);
if (dwRetVal == NO_ERROR)
return dwRetVal;
return dwRetVal;
DWORD logoutDicomImporter()
DWORD dwResult;
LPCTSTR lpName = _T("\\\\139.22.XXX.XXX\\temp");
dwResult = WNetCancelConnection2(lpName, CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE, FALSE);
if (dwResult == NO_ERROR)
return dwResult;
else if (dwResult == ERROR_NOT_CONNECTED)
return dwResult;
return dwResult;
int main()
DWORD loginResult;
std::string directoryPath = "\\\\139.22.XXX.XXX\\temp\\Test\\1";
loginResult = loginDicomImporter();
std::cout << loginResult << std::endl;
catch (boost_filesystem_error &e)
auto msg = e.what();
return 1;
loginResult = logoutDicomImporter();
std::cout << loginResult << std::endl;
The thrown exception says "boost :: filesystem :: create_directory: Access denied:" \ 139.22.XXX.XXX \ temp \ Test \ 1 "Obviously the OS is denying access, although I enabled full access connection before creating directories.
Any suggestions how to solve this?
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Thank you for your answer to quik47. But the problem was that in my actual code I was using the servername alias for the directoryPath string.
I used to have this:
std::string directoryPath = "\\\\ServerName\\temp\\Test\\1";
After your advice, I replaced it with my ip address.
Now directory creation works as shown above.
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