How to integrate a package from Packagist into Laravel 5?

I am working with laravel 5 and trying to integrate the following package: ExactTarget / Fuel-SDK-PHP

I completed my project:

composer require exacttarget/fuel-sdk-php


So, I had an exact supplier supplier supplier.

First of all I noticed that this particular package does not use namespaces, so it still calls for directives, but not "use \ path \ namespace". Is this the correct approach? I haven't seen many packages yet, but among my past experiences, I don't find it the right approach to write a package ...

After that, I edit condif / app.php to use the ET_Client class.

 'providers' => [



As soon as I did that, I got an error: it looks like Laravel frmwk is trying to instantiate a class that needs some parameters, even if I'm not using it yet (istantition). Is this normal behavior from Laravel?

Did I miss something?


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1 answer

The array providers

is for registering service provider classes. If it ET_Client

doesn't extend the Laravels base class ServiceProvider

, it won't work.

Instead, just add instructions use

to your PHP classes for how and when you need to use the class:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use ET_Client;

class SomeController extends Controller
    public function someAction()
        // Instantiate client class
        $client = new ET_Client;

        // Now do something with it...




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