Running Internet Explorer on the LocalSystem account in Windows 2012

I am setting up a selenium grid. We have a separate machine for each browser version.

Each node runs as a system service, running under the LocalSystem account, with interaction with the user's desktop.

This is required because the Selenium Grid node launching Internet Explorer has problems taking screenshots and transferring them when there was no interaction with the user's desktop.

As far as I was able to verify, it looks like interacting with the user's desktop for serving is only allowed for the LocalSystem account. Event changing flags manually in the registry doesn't seem to work (as it did in Windows 2008)

Everything works fine except for the test, where I need to do a file upload. When there is an action to open a dialog to view files, a popup appears

enter image description here

Is there a way to prevent this (creating the Desktop folder doesn't work)?

On the other hand, if there is a way to start the service under a different account when interacting with the user's desktop, this will also be the case.

I would appreciate any help because I am stuck with a problem


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2 answers

I checked out some additional solutions like launching selenium grid nodes with PowerShell Invoke-Command and that didn't work either.

I was able to run the Selenium Grid Nodes as a Windows Service with desktop interaction using the third party FireDaemon Pro Service Manager tool.



I haven't tried it but it PsExec -s

should work



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