Maven compilation error using Java Generics

I'm using Java 8 and has the following code:

public WeatherDTO(Map<?,?> mappedJsonData) {
    if (mappedJsonData == null || mappedJsonData.isEmpty()) {

    List<?> weather = (List<?>)mappedJsonData.get("weather");
    if (weather != null && !weather.isEmpty()) { = (String) ((Map<?,?>)weather.get(0)).get("description");

    Map<?,?> jsonMain = (Map<?,?>)mappedJsonData.get("main");
    if (jsonMain != null && !jsonMain.isEmpty()) {
        this.temperature = (double)jsonMain.get("temp") - 273.0;
        this.humidity = (int)jsonMain.get("humidity");


This code works great when I run the web application in Eclipse and embedded Tomcat. There is also no problem in the Problems with Eclipse view.

But when im starting to build maven from my shell / bash im getting the following error:

[ERROR] COMPILATION ERROR: [INFORMATION] ----------------------------------------- ------ --------------

[ERROR] /home/xxx/xxx/xxx/src/main/java/xxx/xxx/xxx/weather/ [52,64] incompatible types: capture # 1 of? cannot be converted to double

[ERROR] /home/xxx/xxx/xxx/src/main/java/xxx/xxx/xxx/weather/ [53,58] incompatible types: capture # 2 of? cannot be converted to int

Does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong? The maven compiler plugin seems to be updated and my JAVA_HOME is pointing to Java 8 version.

Snippet from pom.xml



Java.version config - 1.8; Maven - 3.0.4.


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2 answers

I am getting the same error as you. But the following code fixes it. I made the code a method instead of a constructor, but I think you can ignore that, huh ??

private String weather;
private double temperature;
private int humidity;
public void WeatherDTO(Map<?, ?> mappedJsonData) {
    if (mappedJsonData == null || mappedJsonData.isEmpty()) {

    List<?> weather = (List<?>) mappedJsonData.get("weather");
    if (weather != null && !weather.isEmpty()) { = (String) ((Map<?, ?>) weather.get(0)).get("description");

    Map<?, ?> jsonMain = (Map<?, ?>) mappedJsonData.get("main");
    if (jsonMain != null && !jsonMain.isEmpty()) {
        this.temperature = (Double) jsonMain.get("temp") - 273.0;
        this.humidity = (Integer) jsonMain.get("humidity");




It works with objects instead of primitive types.



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