How to subtract a value from a column in a dataframe with unique rows

It's hard to explain the question in the title. But here I have a dataframe and you can see that I have 3 stream names. I have 3 unique values โ€‹โ€‹associated with each thread name. I would like these unique values โ€‹โ€‹to be subtracted from the value for the corresponding stream found in the column value

and then added to the dataframe in a new column callederror

    stream  n  rates   means     column     value
1    Brooks 3   3.0  0.9629152      1    0.42707006
2   Siouxon 3   3.0  0.5831929      1    0.90503736
3  Speelyai 3   3.0  0.6199235      1    0.08554021
4    Brooks 4   7.5  0.9722707      1    1.43338843
5   Siouxon 4   7.5  0.5865031      1    0.50574543
6  Speelyai 4   7.5  0.6118634      1    0.32252396
7    Brooks 5  10.0  0.9637475      1    0.88984211
8   Siouxon 5  10.0  0.5804420      1    0.47501800
9  Speelyai 5  10.0  0.5959238      1    0.15079491
10   Brooks 6  13.0  0.9486575      1    1.32422105
11  Siouxon 6  13.0  0.5846854      1    0.39479684
12 Speelyai 6  13.0  0.5597146      1    0.37005941


Here are the "unique" values โ€‹โ€‹that I want to subtract from the column value

> true.lwd.sp <- 0.583984402 (speelyai)
> <- 0.585852702 (souixon)
> <- 0.944062036 (brooks)


Thanks for any help. Once I know how to do all these simple tasks!


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3 answers

We could create a new dataset and map the "stream" column to the corresponding column in the new dataset, get a numeric index to get the corresponding "value" from "df2", and subtract from "df1" or the original dataset.

 df1$error <- df1$value-df2$value[match(df1$stream, df2$stream)]
 #    stream n rates     means column      value       error
 #1    Brooks 3   3.0 0.9629152      1 0.42707006 -0.51699198
 #2   Siouxon 3   3.0 0.5831929      1 0.90503736  0.31918466
 #3  Speelyai 3   3.0 0.6199235      1 0.08554021 -0.49844419
 #4    Brooks 4   7.5 0.9722707      1 1.43338843  0.48932639
 #5   Siouxon 4   7.5 0.5865031      1 0.50574543 -0.08010727
 #6  Speelyai 4   7.5 0.6118634      1 0.32252396 -0.26146044
 #7    Brooks 5  10.0 0.9637475      1 0.88984211 -0.05421993
 #8   Siouxon 5  10.0 0.5804420      1 0.47501800 -0.11083470
 #9  Speelyai 5  10.0 0.5959238      1 0.15079491 -0.43318949
 #10   Brooks 6  13.0 0.9486575      1 1.32422105  0.38015901
 #11  Siouxon 6  13.0 0.5846854      1 0.39479684 -0.19105586
 #12 Speelyai 6  13.0 0.5597146      1 0.37005941 -0.21392499



 df1 <- structure(list(stream = c("Brooks", "Siouxon", "Speelyai", 
 "Siouxon", "Speelyai", "Brooks", "Siouxon", "Speelyai", "Brooks", 
 "Siouxon", "Speelyai"), n = c(3L, 3L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 5L, 
 5L, 6L, 6L, 6L), rates = c(3, 3, 3, 7.5, 7.5, 7.5, 10, 10, 10, 
 13, 13, 13), means = c(0.9629152, 0.5831929, 0.6199235, 0.9722707, 
 0.5865031, 0.6118634, 0.9637475, 0.580442, 0.5959238, 0.9486575, 
 0.5846854, 0.5597146), column = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), value = c(0.42707006, 0.90503736, 0.08554021, 
 1.43338843, 0.50574543, 0.32252396, 0.88984211, 0.475018, 0.15079491, 
 1.32422105, 0.39479684, 0.37005941)), .Names = c("stream", "n", 
 "rates", "means", "column", "value"), class = "data.frame", 
 row.names = c("1", 
 "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12"))

 df2 <- data.frame(stream=c('Brooks', 'Siouxon', 'Speelyai'), 
      value=c(0.944062036, 0.585852702, 0.583984402), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)




Another option using data.table

using help df2

from @akrun's answer

setDT(df1)[stream == df2$stream, error := value - df2$value]

 #    stream n rates     means column      value       error
 #1:   Brooks 3   3.0 0.9629152      1 0.42707006 -0.51699198
 #2:  Siouxon 3   3.0 0.5831929      1 0.90503736  0.31918466
 #3: Speelyai 3   3.0 0.6199235      1 0.08554021 -0.49844419
 #4:   Brooks 4   7.5 0.9722707      1 1.43338843  0.48932639
 #5:  Siouxon 4   7.5 0.5865031      1 0.50574543 -0.08010727
 #6: Speelyai 4   7.5 0.6118634      1 0.32252396 -0.26146044
 #7:   Brooks 5  10.0 0.9637475      1 0.88984211 -0.05421993
 #8:  Siouxon 5  10.0 0.5804420      1 0.47501800 -0.11083470
 #9: Speelyai 5  10.0 0.5959238      1 0.15079491 -0.43318949
#10:   Brooks 6  13.0 0.9486575      1 1.32422105  0.38015901
#11:  Siouxon 6  13.0 0.5846854      1 0.39479684 -0.19105586
#12: Speelyai 6  13.0 0.5597146      1 0.37005941 -0.21392499




Akrun is right, but you need some extra code to join to datasets. Check out this simple (but similar example):


  # your original dataset
    dt1 = data.frame(stream = c("A","B","C","A","B","C"),
                     value = c(5,6,7,8,9,10))

  # your dataset with the values for each case
    dt2 = data.frame(stream = c("A","B","C"),
                     truevalue = c(0.58, 0.57, 0.56))

  # join datasets and create the error variable
    result = dt1 %>% left_join(dt2, by="stream") %>% mutate(error = value - truevalue)



It is important that the stream names are the same in both datasets, so the connection will be correct.



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