Easy to create an enumerator

When creating methods that yield

, sometimes we want it to return Enumerator

if no block is specified. The recommended way is mostly return to_enum(:name_of_method, [args]) unless block_given?

. However, it is a pain to be recruited for every method that does it. Ruby was ruby, I decided to create a method make_enum

similar to attr_accessor

which does this for me:

class Module # Put this in a mixin, but for the purposes of this experiment, it in Module
  def make_enum *args
    args.each do |name|
      old_method = instance_method(name)
      define_method(name) do |*args, &block|
        next to_enum(name, *args) unless block
        old_method.bind(self).call(*args, &block)


Now I can use it like this:

class Test
  def test
    yield 1
    yield 2

  make_enum :test

t = Test.new
t.test { |n| puts n }
# 1
# 2
t.test.to_a #=> [1, 2]


And it works! But it doesn't work if make_enum

before the method is defined.

How can I get this method to work before the method is defined so that the following will work? Perhaps I need to use method_added


class Test
  make_enum :test

  def test
    yield 1
    yield 2


I don't know if it was a bad idea for this before the method, but my reason for thinking it would be good to do this is because it better matches the way we use attr_accessor

and the like.


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1 answer

While the methods attr_

create instance methods again, yours is make_enum

modifying the existing method, which is quite similar to methods protected

, private

and public

. Note that these visibility methods are used either in the form:

def foo; ... end



protected def foo; ... end



def foo; ... end
protected :foo


The last two methods are already available with yours make_enum

. In particular, the second form is already possible (which is also noted by Stefan in the commentary). You can do:

make_enum def test; ... end


If you want to make the first shape, you should try to implement it in your definition make_enum




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