Built-in method for complex grouping of elements in a scala collection

I am working on an issue where I need to group elements in a Scala collection using a non-transitive predicate function. For example, I could have Set(52**, 521*, 5211, 5212)

as well as have:

predicate(52**, 521*) = true
predicate(52**, 5211) = true
predicate(52**, 5212) = true    
predicate(521*, 5211) = true
predicate(521*, 5212) = true
predicate(5211, 5212) = false


Stars are basically wildcards and can be equal to anything.

The grouping result should look like this:

Set(Set(52**,521*,5211), Set(52**,521*,5212))


Note that the predicate is true for all items grouped together. I'm hoping to see if there is a built-in method that can help achieve this behavior.

The predicate function is commutative.


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1 answer

Assuming your "predicate" could be an arbitrary function, there is a bruteforce solution using Scala's built-in methods. It just generates all combinations of elements and checks every pair of elements within the combination for predicate


def predicate(s1:String, s2:String) =
    Set("52**", "521*") -> true,
    Set("52**", "5211") -> true,
    Set("52**", "5212") -> true,
    Set("521*", "5211") -> true,
    Set("521*", "5212") -> true,
    Set("5211", "5212") -> false

val input = List("52**", "521*", "5211", "5212")

val res = (2 to input.size).flatMap(input.combinations)
  .filter(_.combinations(2).forall {
  case Seq(x1, x2) => predicate(x1, x2)

val maximalRes = res.filter(r => 
  !res.exists(x => x != r && r.diff(x).isEmpty))



res = Vector(Set(52**, 521*), Set(52**, 5211), Set(52**, 5212), Set(521*, 5211), Set(521*, 5212), Set(52**, 521*, 5211), Set(52**, 521*, 5212))
maximalRes = Vector(Set(52**, 521*, 5211), Set(52**, 521*, 5212))


As I said, this approach is brute force and therefore very ineffective. Knowing more about your function predicate

, the possible elements and the size of the input will help you find a more efficient solution.



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