Javascript - faster, more efficient method to sort a Javascript object based on a sorted _id array?

We have MongoDB documents that looks like this:

var JavascriptObject = {
  DbDocs : [
      _id : "1",
      {..more values..}
      _id : "2",
      {..more values..}
      _id : "3",
      {..more values..}


Based on the defined values ​​in JavascriptObject

, we order an array of _id from documents, and the result is:

var OrderedArray = [ 2, 1, 3 ];


We are currently restoring the whole JavascriptObject

by matching the _id in OrderedArray

with the _id in DbDocs


var JavascriptObjectToRebuild = [];
var DbDocuments = JavascriptObject.DbDocs;
var DocumentCount = 0;

for (var OrderedNumber in OrderedArray) {
  for (var Document in DbDocuments) {
    if ( DbDocuments[Document]._id === OrderedArray[OrderedNumber] ) {

      JavascriptObjectToRebuild[DocumentCount] = {}; // new Document Object

      JavascriptObjectToRebuild[DocumentCount]._id = DbDocuments[Document]._id;
      JavascriptObjectToRebuild[DocumentCount]...more values = DbDocuments[Document]...more values;

      DocumentCount++; // increment


var SortedJavascriptObject = { DbDocs: [] }; // format for client-side templating

for (var Document in JSONToRebuild) {


Is there a more efficient way to sort JavascriptObject

based on this OrderedArray



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2 answers

See update below if it cannot be sorted directly and you should use instead OrderedArray


If you can apply your criteria in a function callback Array#sort

(for example, if you can do it by comparing two entries in an array with each other), you can just sort JSON.DbDocs


Here's an example that sorts based on a numeric value _id

; naturally you replace this with your object comparison logic.

Also note that I changed the name of the top-level variable ( JSON

not used like this, and it's not JSON anyway):

var Obj = {
  DbDocs : [
      _id : "2",
      more: "two"
      _id : "1",
      more: "one"
      _id : "3",
       more: "three"
Obj.DbDocs.sort(function(a, b) {
  return +a._id - +b._id; // Replace with your logic comparing a and b
document.querySelector('pre').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(Obj, null, 2);


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If it is not possible to sort directly, and you have to work with OrderedArray

, then it is still possible with sort

, but less graceful: you use Array#indexOf

to find out where each entry in an array should be:

Obj.DbDocs.sort(function(a, b) {
  return OrderedArray.indexOf(+a._id) - OrderedArray.indexOf(+b._id);


( +

converts IDs from strings to numbers, as it OrderedArray

contains numbers in your question, but ID values ​​are strings.)

Live example:

var Obj = {
  DbDocs : [
      _id : "1",
      more: "one"
      _id : "2",
      more: "two"
      _id : "3",
       more: "three"
var OrderedArray = [2, 1, 3];
Obj.DbDocs.sort(function(a, b) {
  return OrderedArray.indexOf(+a._id) - OrderedArray.indexOf(+b._id);
document.querySelector('pre').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(Obj, null, 2);


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If there OrderedArray

will be many entries in, you can first create a lookup object to avoid a lot of calls indexOf

(which are costly: ( georg did this in response, but he has since deleted it for some reason)

var OrderMap = {}
OrderedArray.forEach(function(entry, index) {
  OrderMap[entry] = index;
Obj.DbDocs.sort(function(a, b) {
  return OrderMap[a._id] - OrderMap[b._id];


(We don't need to convert IDs to numbers because property names are always strings, so we convert numbers to strings when we build the map.)

Live example:

var Obj = {
  DbDocs : [
      _id : "1",
      more: "one"
      _id : "2",
      more: "two"
      _id : "3",
       more: "three"
var OrderedArray = [2, 1, 3];
var OrderMap = {}
OrderedArray.forEach(function(entry, index) {
  OrderMap[entry] = index;
Obj.DbDocs.sort(function(a, b) {
  return OrderMap[a._id] - OrderMap[b._id];
document.querySelector('pre').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(Obj, null, 2);


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As I understand it, you want the result like this,

[{"_id":"2"}, {"_id":"1"}, {"_id":"3"}]


so you can do it with forEach

and indexOf

for example

var JSONDADA = {
    DbDocs : [{_id : "1",}, {_id : "2"}, {_id : "3"}]

var DbDocuments = JSONDADA.DbDocs;
var OrderedArray = [ 2, 1, 3 ];
var result = [];

DbDocuments.forEach(function (el) {
    var position = OrderedArray.indexOf(+el._id);
    if (position >= 0) {
        result[position] = el;

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