Owl carousel customize page preview image not working

I watch this neat creation by Yunus Gaziev, but there is one major problem: the pagination is removed as soon as you customize the viewport, which appears to be caused by Owl and I don't know why.

var owl;

$(document).ready(function() {
    owl = $("#owl-demo");
        navigation: false,
        slideSpeed: 300,
        paginationSpeed: 400,
        singleItem: true,
        afterInit: afterOWLinit

    function afterOWLinit() {




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2 answers

The problem was that the initializer owlCarousel

had to have been afterUpdate: afterOWLinit

declared in such a way that whenever the viewport was resized it would re-activate the custom pagination script.

I completely reworked the existing code, an example can be viewed here - my version can be cloned from here .



I tried to debug javascript but couldn't find the reason. I think this pagination is not being recreated when changing the viewport toowl.carousel.js

Here he tries to recreate the pagination

  • base.updatePagination();

  • base.checkNavigation();

Check it. I hope this helps you and others find the root cause.



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