OnActivityResult not called when using Lollipop activity transitions

In the onCreate method of my HomeActivity I check if the user is logged in, and if not, the LoginActivity is started. If I start LoginActivity without transitions using:

startActivityForResult(intentLogin, INTENT_REQUEST_LOGIN);


everything is fine, onActivityResult is called as planned when I call finish () in LoginActivity. But if I use:

ActivityOptionsCompat activityOptionsCompat = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(this);
startActivityForResult(intentLogin, INTENT_REQUEST_LOGIN, activityOptionsCompat.toBundle());


and call ActivityCompat.finishAfterTransition () in LoginActivity accordingly, onActivityResult will never be called in HomeActivity.

The transitions to LoginActivty are set as follows:

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (Utils.isRunningLollipopAndHigher()) {

private void setActivityTransition() {
    Transition transitionEnter = new Slide(Gravity.BOTTOM);
    transitionEnter.excludeTarget(android.R.id.statusBarBackground, true);
    transitionEnter.excludeTarget(android.R.id.navigationBarBackground, true);


I terminate LoginActivity with:

private void finishLogin() {


The transitions themselves work fine. Any pointers what could be the problem with onActivityResult?


EDIT: Ok, after running some tests, it looks like starting an activity with transitions and forResult during the activity lifecycle always results in onActivityResult not being called. If I run LoginActivity eg. after clicking the button, everything works as expected.


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