What's Commodore PET BASIC Going From $ 00C2?

Pet page zero memory cards that I have found claim that address range zero is $00C2..$00D9

used for static data, for example. http://www.classiccmp.org/dunfield/pet/petmem.txt says:

 RIDATA 00C2        Cassette Temp (64#00AA) read flags: 0=scan,
                    1-15=count, $40=load, $80=end of tape marker
 RIPRTY 00C3        Cassette Short Cnt (64#00AB): counter of seconds
                    before tape write / checksum
 PNT    00C4-00C5   Pointer: Current Screen Line Address
 PNTR   00C6        Cursor Column on Current Line
 SAL    00C7-00C8   Pointer: Tape Buffer/ Screen Scrolling
 EAL    00C9-00CA   Tape End Addresses/End of Program
 CMP0   00CB-00CC   Tape Timing Constants
 QTSW   00CD        Flag: Editor in Quote Mode, $00 = NO
 BITTS  00CE        Cassette Temp (64#00B4): Tape read timer flag
                    =IRQ enabled for Timer 1
        00CF        End of tape read
        00D0        Read character error
 FNLEN  00D1        Length of Current File Name
 LA     00D2        Current Logical File Number
 SA     00D3        Current Secondary Address
 FA     00D4        Current Device Number
 LNMX   00D5        Physical Screen Line Length
        00D5        4.80: right side of window
 TAPE1  00D6-00D7   Pointer: Start of Tape Buffer
 TBLX   00D8        Current Cursor Physical Line Number
 DATAX  00D9        Current Character to Print


However, by looking at the disassembly of the ROM, one can find the places where the address will move $00C2

, for example. http://www.zimmers.net/anonftp/pub/cbm/firmware/computers/pet/d/rom-1.html#C70A :

 C70A  4C C2 00             JMP iC2       


Taking a look at the disassembly starting from $00C2

after loading the PET, I see sane code:

.C:00c2  E6 C9       INC $C9
.C:00c4  D0 02       BNE $00C8
.C:00c6  E6 CA       INC $CA
.C:00c8  AD 00 04    LDA $0400
.C:00cb  C9 3A       CMP #$3A
.C:00cd  B0 0A       BCS $00D9
.C:00cf  C9 20       CMP #$20
.C:00d1  F0 EF       BEQ $00C2
.C:00d3  38          SEC
.C:00d4  E9 30       SBC #$30
.C:00d6  38          SEC
.C:00d7  E9 D0       SBC #$D0
.C:00d9  60          RTS


What is this area for? Where is the code that collects this program in this area? What should this code do? (It seems the area scan starts with $0400

for :




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2 answers

This is part of the BASIC interpreter cycle. It reads one byte of the tokenized BASIC program, setting the flag to zero if it has a colon or zero byte, and releases carry if it is a number. You can see that it is used in the main part of the interpreter loop at address C6B5 .

I am not sure why this procedure was placed in page zero. It's a loop (or rarely two) is faster to use LDA $0400

over LDA ($C9),Y

, but I don't see it actually make a lot of difference.

It should also be noted that the ROM disassembly you are looking for is for BASIC 1.0 ROM, while the memory card you referenced is for versions 2.0 and 4.0.

Here's The Commodore 64 Mapping by Sheldon Leemon talks about the equivalent C64 procedure:

115-138 $ 73- $ 8A CHRGET
Subroutine: Get Next BASIC Text Character


CHRGET is a key routine that BASIC uses to read text characters such as the text of a BASIC program that is being interpreted. This is put on page zero to make the program run faster. Since it keeps track of the address of the character being read in the routine, the procedure itself must be in RAM to update this pointer. The pointer to the byte address that is currently being read is indeed the operand of the LDA instruction. On input from CHRGET, the routine increments the pointer by changing the operand to TXTPTR (122, $ 7A), which allows the next character to be read.

Writing to CHRGOT (121, $ 79) allows you to read the current character again. CHRGET skips whitespace, sets various flags or (.P) to indicate whether the character read was a digit, operator terminator, or other type of character, and returns with the extracted character in Accumulator (.A).


Since this is such a central procedure, a dismantling list is provided below to better understand how it works.

115 $73   CHRGET  INC TXTPTR   ; increment low byte of TXTPTR
117 $75           BNE CHRGOT   ; if low byte isn't 0, skip next
119 $77           INC TXTPTR+1 ; increment high byte of TXTPTR
121 $79   CHRGOT  LDA          ; load byte from where TXTPTR points
                               ; entry here does not update TXTPTR,
                               ; allowing you to readl the old byte again
122 $7A   TXTPTR  $0207        ; pointer is really the LDA operand
                               ; TXTPTR+1 points to 512-580 ($200-$250)
                               ; when reading from the input buffer
                               ; in direct mode
124 $7C   POINTB  CMP #$3A     ; carry flag set if > ASCII numeral 9
126 $7E           BCS EXIT     ; character is not a numeral--exit
128 $80           CMP #$20     ; if it is an ASCII space...
130 $82           BEQ CHRGET   ; ignore it and get next character
132 $84           SEC          ; prepare to subtract
133 $85           SBC #$30     ; ASCII 0-9 are between 48-57 ($30-$39)
135 $87           SEC          ; prepare to subtract again
136 $88           SBC #$D0     ; if < ASCII 0 (57, $39) then carry is set
138 $8A   EXIT    RTS          ; carry is clear only for numeral on return


The accumulator (register .A) contains the character that was read out of the routine. Status register bits (.P) that can be tested for output:

Carry Clear if the character was an ASCII digit 0-9. Carry Set, otherwise. Zero Set only if the character was an operator terminator 0 or ASCII, 58 ($ 3A). Otherwise Zero Clear.



Self-modifying code, notice the built-in pointer to $C9

. The source for him is in $E0B4

, and he copied the code page zero to $E0E5


It looks like this is indeed scanning the text and classifying the current character. It will set ZF

if the character is a space, but it CF

will be clear if it is a digit. Basically, this is useful for converting a string to a number, but this is just an assumption.

Update: An example procedure using this code is in $C863

. Of course, this is a string to number conversion, you can recognize the pattern that the result = result * 10 + (current_char - '0')

loop evaluates .



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