PowerShell not compatible with MongoDB C # driver methods?

Issue with latest MongoDB driver caused by C # Generics:

Cannot find an overload for "GetCollection" and the argument count: "1".


Perhaps I could use other non-generic GetCollection methods, but I don't know how exactly.

The answer posted below provides some good information, but unfortunately the code provided was the same as I already tried and it doesn't work.

Here's what I would like to do:

I want to work with PowerShell to create multiple documents. The problem I am currently facing seems to be that "GetCollection" is not working correctly. I think this is due to the lack of generics support in Powershell. Anyway, I found some CmdLets to run common methods. But I think this will make the code too complex. Is there a way to get around this problem?

I have seen that there are other GetCollection methods that are not based on C # Generics, but I do not yet understand how to use them in PowerShell.

Powershell Exception: Cannot find an overload for "GetCollection" and the argument count: "1"

# Mongo DB driver
Add-Type -Path 'CSharpDriver-2.0.1\MongoDB.Bson.dll'
Add-Type -Path 'CSharpDriver-2.0.1\MongoDB.Driver.dll'

# Conncetion to MongoDB
$connectionString = "mongodb://localhost:27018"
$db =  "TestDB"
$collection =  "Test"

function Get-MongoDBCollection ($connectionString, $db, $collection)
   $mongoClient = New-Object MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient($connectionString)
   $mongoDatabase = $mongoClient.GetDatabase($db)
   $mongoCollection = $mongoDatabase.GetCollection($collection)
   return $mongoCollection

# Connect to MongoDB and get collection
$mongoCollection = Get-MongoDBCollection $connectionString $db $collection


The code above is copied (and slightly modified) from an earlier SO question: Mongodb Powershell Authentication

Any suggestion how this can be done? I am assuming that the code given on SO is based on an earlier version of the driver. I guess that's why it doesn't work anymore.

Hard uninstall in PowerShell console:

Cannot find an overload for "GetCollection" and the argument count: "1".
At F:\PowerShell\CreateDB.ps1:31 char:3
+   $mongoCollection = $mongoDatabase.GetCollection($collection)
+   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodCountCouldNotFindBest



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3 answers

Hope this can still help, it worked for me with the latest C # driver and current MongoDB RC-4.

function Get-MongoDBCollection {
    $settings = $null, #[MongoDB.Driver.MongoCollectionSetting]
    $returnType = [PSOBJECT]
    $method = $database.GetType().GetMethod('GetCollection')
    $gericMethod = $method.MakeGenericMethod($returnType)
$Collection = Get-MongoDBCollection $database 'test'
# or 
$Collection = Get-MongoDBCollection $database 'test' -returnType  ([MongoDB.Bson.BsonDocument])




Have you considered proxying the mongo call through some custom .Net code and then loading that .NET assembly into Powershell? You can have overloads in your C # code to work with different types.

Here you can use the steps here to download a custom assembly.

Then in your custom method, you can convert generic types to types Powershell can understand.



I think you have already answered this question with some statements in your question:

I think this is due to the lack of generics support in Powershell


the code given in SO is based on an earlier version of the driver. I guess that's why it doesn't work anymore

This link confirms what you said above and also provides some feedback on the v2 driver.

Below is an excerpt from the homepage , there is an assumption that the old driver is still available:

you can use driver version 1.10

So maybe you better find an older version and continue with it.


In case this is a problem with the new API, it looks like the old version is still supported. From the link above, maybe you should try:

function Get-MongoDBCollection ($connectionString, $db, $collection)
  $mongoClient = New-Object MongoDB.Driver.MongoClient($connectionString)
  $mongoServer = $mongoClient.GetServer()
  $mongoDatabase = $mongoServer.GetDatabase($db)
  $mongoCollection = $mongoDatabase.GetCollection($collection)
  return $mongoCollection




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