Python text game not calling the correct number

I am writing a text game and I want to link each room to four other rooms - north, south, east and west. Now I start from the north. The user should be able to enter "walk north" and the north room should be called up.

I used three files - one where I will write the main story, one to bring up the corresponding room in the story, and the other to navigate to avoid cross-imports.

import actions

class FirstRoom(object):

    room_name = 'FIRST ROOM'
    north = 'north_room'

    def __init__(self):

    def start(self):
        print self.room_name
        while True:
            next = raw_input('> ')
            actions.walk(next, self.north)

class North(object):

    room_name = "NORTH ROOM"

    def __init__(self):

    def start(self):
        print self.room_name

import navigation

def walk(next, go_north):
    """Tests for 'walk' command and calls the appropriate room"""
    if next == 'walk north':

import rooms
first_room = rooms.FirstRoom()
north_room = rooms.North()

def rooms(room):
    rooms = {
        'first_room': first_room.start(),
        'north_room': north_room.start(),


When I run first_room.start () it should print "FIRST ROOM" which it does. Then I type "walk north" and I expect it to print "NORTH ROOM" but instead print "FIRST ROOM" again.

I can't figure out all my life why this doesn't work the way I expect it to be, as if it were calling first_room again instead of north_room. Can anyone understand what I am doing wrong?


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1 answer

I am guessing the problem is due to how the dictionary is defined rooms

. When you do -

rooms = {
    'first_room': first_room.start(),
    'north_room': north_room.start(),


Functions are called when you define the dictionary itself, not when you access values ​​from it (which is why both functions are called), you want to store the function objects (without calling them) as values ​​and then call them like - rooms[room]()

. Example -

def rooms(room):
    rooms = {
        'first_room': first_room.start,
        'north_room': north_room.start,




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