Aggregating columns of a data frame

I have a data.frame like this:

    ID     Orginal   Modified
    Sam_1    M         K
    Sam_1    K         M
    Sam_1    I         J
    Sam_1    M         K
    Sam_1    K         M
    Sam_2    K         M
    Sam_2    M         K
    Sam_3    J         P
    Sam_4    K         M
    Sam_4    M         K
    Sam_4    P         J 


I would like to calculate that for each sample number, times in the M column "Original" is converted to K in the "Modified" column and "K" in the "Original" column to "M" in the columns Modified and reported in the tab delim text as follows:

    ID     M_to_K_counts  K_to_M_counts 
    Sam_1     2                2 
    Sam_2     1                1
    Sam_3     0                0
    Sam_4     1                1


I tried the following code but it failed:

for(i in 1:dim(rnaseqmut)[1])
  if(data$Original[i]=='M' & data$Modified[i]== 'K')
  if(data$Original[i]=='K' & data$Modified[i]== 'M')


How can I achieve the format I want.


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3 answers

One option would be to use data.table

. Convert 'data.frame' to 'data.table' ( setDT(data)

). Grouped by the "ID" column, we get sum

items that are "M" for "Orginal" and "K" for "Modified" ("MtoKcount"), similarly, "KtoMcount" is obtained by doing the opposite.

setDT(data)[, list(MtoKcount=sum(Orginal=='M' & Modified=='K'),
               KtoMcount = sum(Orginal=='K' & Modified=='M')), by =  ID]
#       ID MtoKcount KtoMcount
#1: Sam_1         2         2
#2: Sam_2         1         1
#3: Sam_3         0         0
#4: Sam_4         1         1


Another option table

from base R

. We are paste

columns other than the "ID" (, data[-1])

) column and get the frequency counter with table

. Then we multiply the table output ('tbl') which only has "KM" or "MK" as column names

 tbl <- table(data$ID,, data[-1]))[,c('KM', 'MK')]
 #      KM MK
 #Sam_1  2  2
 #Sam_2  1  1
 #Sam_3  0  0
 #Sam_4  1  1


As @ user295691 mentioned in the comments, we can change the column names and paste


  tbl <- with(data, table(ID, paste0(Orginal, "_to_", Modified,"_counts"))) 
  tbl[,c('K_to_M_counts', 'M_to_K_counts')]



data <- structure(list(ID = c("Sam_1", "Sam_1", "Sam_1", "Sam_1", 
"Sam_2", "Sam_2", "Sam_3", "Sam_4", "Sam_4", "Sam_4"), Orginal = c("M", 
"K", "I", "M", "K", "K", "M", "J", "K", "M", "P"), Modified = c("K", 
"M", "J", "K", "M", "M", "K", "P", "M", "K", "J")), .Names = c("ID", 
"Orginal", "Modified"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 




Base R using xtabs

. The required form / subset requires transposition and scrolling of the container class classes.



      M_K K_M
Sam_1 2 2
Sam_2 1 1
Sam_3 0 0
Sam_4 1 1


Using dplyr

x <- data.frame(ID = c(rep("Sam_1", 5), rep("Sam_2", 2), "Sam_3", rep("Sam_4", 3)), 
 Orginal = c("M", "K", "I", "M", "K", "K", "M", "J", "K", "M", "P"), 
 Modified = c("K", "M", "J", "K", "M", "M", "K", "P", "M", "K", "J"))

x %>%
   group_by(ID) %>%
   summarise(M_to_K_counts = length((Orginal == "M")[Modified == "K"]), 
             K_to_M_counts = length((Orginal == "K")[Modified == "M"]))

# Source: local data frame [4 x 3]

#      ID M_to_K_counts K_to_M_counts
# 1 Sam_1             2             2
# 2 Sam_2             1             1
# 3 Sam_3             0             0
# 4 Sam_4             1             1




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