How to pass a model to a template retrieved from a route in Ember 1.6

I am trying to set a model in a rendered template from a route. The model is written correctly by calling the template:

{{#each itemController="user"}}
  <div {{bind-attr class="isExpanded:expanded"}}>
  <div><button {{action "sayHello" this}}>{{first_name}} {{last_name}}</button></div>


and my route:

Newkonf.UsersRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  isExpanded: false,

  actions: {
   sayHello: function(myModel){

      alert('first name: ' + myModel.first_name); // <- this works
      // this.render('edit-user', {model: myModel});  <- doesn't work but not sure since this leads me to susupec 
      // it might
      // this.set('model', myModel}); <- doesn't work



going to edit user here first name: {{first_name}}


change 1

Yes, I can update the post in UserRoute and it will update accordingly. However, since I indicated to the UserController that this would cause the UserRoute to take precedence, but I think not.

Here is my router: {
  // this.resource('posts');

  this.route('about', { path: '/about'});
  this.resource('users', { path: '/users'}); 


thanks for any help

change 2

should have done my modal.js.hbs like this:

within modal for you:


because it didn't work:

within modal for you:


and not sure why.

here is my route

Newkonf.ApplicationRoute = Ember.Route.extend({

    somePlace: function(item){
     alert('here i am in somePlace: ' + item.last_name); // <- this works
     var modalController = this.controllerFor('modal');
     modalController.set('model', item);
     var myjt=modalController.get('model');  
     console.log('my value:' + myjt.first_name); // <- this works
     this.render('modal', {
       into: 'application',
       outlet: 'modal3',
       controller: modalController


and no controller


source to share

1 answer

To play on a specific output, you need to name the outlet, and the outlet should be displayed when you try to do it.

In the case of modality, having it in the application template is usually a good choice, since the application is always in sight.

  actions: {
    openModal: function(item){
      var modalController = this.controllerFor('modal');
      modalController.set('model', item);
      this.render('modal', {  // template
        into: 'application',  // template the outlet lives in
        outlet: 'modal',      // the outlet name
        controller: modalController  // the controller to use

  App.ModalController = Em.ObjectController.extend();


In the above example, I draw a template modal

, in application

, using an output named modal

( {{outlet 'modal'}}

), and I created a controller to return the template that I am executing. In this process, I set up a model on the controller to be used in the template.

You can read more about modals:

And here's an example:



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