Find component using CSS selector in TestUtils

I write some simple tests for its components using React TestUtils , and I find that the methods TestUtils.FindRenderedDOMComponentWithClass

and TestUtils.FindRenderedDOMComponentWithTag

fairly limited . I would like to find a component using a typical CSS selector (i.e. tag.class [attr]

), but it doesn't seem like an option.

Is there an easy way to find an element with a specific attribute? If there are no useful tools for finding components other than TestUtils



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I find it useful to use a browser Element.querySelector()/querySelectorAll()

for DOM elements.

You can simply call for example:

var domElement = FindRenderedDOMComponentWithClass('myClass');
var firstTextInput = domElement.querySelector('input[type="text"]');





doesn't offer searching for components using CSS selectors, so I went with a light base class extension TestUtils

called react-testutils-addition . It offers a method find()

that parses a CSS selector style input and uses it TestUtils.findAllInRenderedTree

to find a component.



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