Sed replace quotes

I have a line

"Motor des regionalen Neuen Forums"


and want to replace the quotes with

\q{Motor des regionalen Neuen Forums}


gloablly in the file.

How do I do this with sed? Or any other unix tool? Thanks to


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2 answers

You can use the following sed command:

sed 's/"\([^"]\+\)"/\\q{\1}/g' your_file


See a demo to show how this regex works. In sed, you just need to avoid capturing parentheses ( (...)

) and the quantifier +

. The equivalent character must be doubled to represent the literal \

in the replacement pattern, which uses a backreference to the text matched with the first capture group.



sed -i.BACKUP "s / \" Motor \ des \ regionen \ Neuen \ Forums \ "/ \\ q {Motor \ des \ regionalen \ Neuen \ Forums} /" yourfile

The .BACKUP part just creates a backup named yourfile.BACKUP



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