Overriding initializer declared as NS_UNAVAILABLE by parent class

I could provide how scary I find Objective-c inheritance when it comes to initializers, but I won't. In this case, I just want to override the initializer that was previously declared as the NS_UNAVAILABLE

parent class. For example:

@interface Parent : NSObject

// Unavailable
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;

// Some other (appropriate) initialiser
- (instancetype)initWithWhatever:(id)whatever NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;



It would make sense that any calls to child initializers should propagate to the parent designated initializer. Let's say the default arguments make sense for the child class and therefore:

@interface Child : Parent

// Propagates to initWithWhatever:
- (instancetype)init NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER;



Even though the initializer has been updated with a child class xcode still seems to think it is not available. Is there a way to get around this?


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1 answer

It looks like this behavior has been fixed in Xcode 8 (tested in 8.1).

Also I have some notes:

  • To complete the implementation Child

    , you must override initWithWhatever

    or make it unavailable. Since Child

    , of course, this initializer inherits from Parent


  • If you make it init

    unavailable, it makes sense to make it new


So. We can now fully control our initializers with a combination NS_DESIGNATED_INITIALIZER


in Objective-C . It takes more work compared to Swift but imho it's worth it. Especially if you want your class to be better compatible with Swift.



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