Elm - parsing a text file into Html

I am very new to Elm (and new to FP in general). I'm having trouble doing some things.

I am using ports currently to read in a text file and pass it to elm (index.html):

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Show the stamp module in the "elm-div" div.
  var div = document.getElementById('elm-div');
  var golf = Elm.embed(Elm.Golf, div, { reset:[], openFromFile: "" });

  var upload = document.getElementById('fileinput');

  upload.onchange = function (e) {
      reader = new FileReader();

      reader.onload = function (event) {
          data = event.target.result;
          //file text data is sent to 'openfromfile' port


Golf.elm (for now):

module Golf where

import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, text, toElement, div, input)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Color exposing (..)
import Signal exposing ((<~),(~))
import String

port reset : Signal ()   
port openFromFile : Signal String

getLines : Signal (List String)
getLines = String.lines <~ openFromFile


I am having a hard time thinking about how the Golf.elm file should be structured. I have CSV text data (delimited by ',') where:

"Round Number", "Par", "steve", "kyle", "rick"
1, 3, 5, 8, 1
2, 5, 3, 7, 8
3, 4, 6, 5, 4
4, 3, 2, 4, 3
5, 2, 5, 7, 4


What I want to do is read the CSV and show the html table with the scores versus par for each player / round (score = number - par), but the fact is that I am not starting with a normal model in the record format, but Signal (List String)

completely lost me.

I have sent mine getLines

back through ports in console.log

so that I know I am reading the file correctly and generating correctly Signal (List String)

from a text source, but I have nowhere to go from here.


source to share

1 answer


You can start with types:

type alias CSV = { headers : Maybe (List String)
                 , records : List  (List String)


You have:

getLines : Signal (List String)


but it is necessary:

getCSV   : Signal CSV


Use core Signal.map :

map : (a -> result) -> Signal a -> Signal result


Then the type signature will be (a = List String

, result = CSV


map0     : (List String -> CSV) -> Signal (List String) -> Signal CSV


Part missing:

parseCSV : List String -> CSV


Put all things together:

getCSV : Signal CSV
getCSV = Signal.map parseCSV getLines



-- ...

getCSV : Signal CSV
getCSV = Signal.map badParseCSV getLines

type alias CSV = { headers : Maybe (List String)
                 , records : List  (List String)

badParseCSV : List String -> CSV
badParseCSV xs =
  let parseLine = List.map (trimQuotes << String.trim)
              <<  String.split ","
      trimQuotes x = if String.startsWith "\"" x 
                     && String.endsWith "\"" x
                     then String.dropRight 1 <| String.dropLeft 1 x
                     else x
      records0 = List.map parseLine
              <| List.filter (\x -> not (String.isEmpty x))
              <| List.drop 1 xs
      headers0 = Maybe.map parseLine <| List.head xs
  in  { headers = headers0
      , records = records0}

view : CSV -> Html
view csv =
  let rows    = List.map (\xs -> Html.tr [] (cols xs)) csv.records
      cols xs = List.map col xs
      col  x  = Html.td [] [ text x]
      ths  xs = List.map (\x -> Html.th [] [text x]) xs
      headers = Maybe.withDefault [] <| Maybe.map ths csv.headers
  in Html.table [] [ Html.thead [] headers
                   , Html.tbody [] rows

main : Signal Html
main = Signal.map view getCSV




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